NEW YORK (AP) — If you believe Chris Christie is going to put himself at the mercy of a late-night comic, we've got a bridge to sell you.
But it's true. NBC said Monday that the New Jersey governor is booked to appear on Jimmy Fallon's "Tonight" show on Thursday, alongside comic Chris Rock and musician Kacey Musgrave.
Christie is no stranger to late-night television. He appeared on Fallon's "Late Night" three times before the star took over "Tonight" in February. But this is his first foray into late-night comedy since the story about lane closures on the George Washington Bridge became a problem for the Republican governor.
But it's true. NBC said Monday that the New Jersey governor is booked to appear on Jimmy Fallon's "Tonight" show on Thursday, alongside comic Chris Rock and musician Kacey Musgrave.
Christie is no stranger to late-night television. He appeared on Fallon's "Late Night" three times before the star took over "Tonight" in February. But this is his first foray into late-night comedy since the story about lane closures on the George Washington Bridge became a problem for the Republican governor.