We love Anna Paquin!
The "True Blood" star took to Twitter this week to declare her out and proud lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) identity, and remind us all that the bisexual star is also a happily married mother.
Paquin married her co-star Stephen Moyer in August 2010 and gave birth to a set of twins shortly over a year later. She previously spoke out about her bisexual identity, telling Zooey magazine in 2012 that "It’s not being greedy or numerous other ignorant things I’ve heard at this point. For a bisexual, it’s not about gender. That’s not the deciding factor for who they’re attracted to."
Curious about more bisexual stars that are lighting up the music and entertainment industries? Check out the slideshow below.
The "True Blood" star took to Twitter this week to declare her out and proud lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) identity, and remind us all that the bisexual star is also a happily married mother.
Proud to be a happily married bisexual mother. Marriage is about love not gender. @eqca @NOH8Campaign @ItGetsBetter pic.twitter.com/UhFeXVMGTY
— Anna Paquin (@AnnaPaquin) June 9, 2014
Paquin married her co-star Stephen Moyer in August 2010 and gave birth to a set of twins shortly over a year later. She previously spoke out about her bisexual identity, telling Zooey magazine in 2012 that "It’s not being greedy or numerous other ignorant things I’ve heard at this point. For a bisexual, it’s not about gender. That’s not the deciding factor for who they’re attracted to."
Curious about more bisexual stars that are lighting up the music and entertainment industries? Check out the slideshow below.