"Star Wars: The Force Awakens" is out in theaters on Dec. 18, 2015. The online reaction was mixed:
Episode VII: The Force Awakens
Episode VIII: The Force Stares Blankly From a Window
Episode IX: The Force Wonders When It All Went Wrong
— Shaun McInnis (@smcinnis) November 6, 2014
You know what would have been a better title than STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS pic.twitter.com/cREqLzhyfl
— Dave Itzkoff (@ditzkoff) November 6, 2014
— Dave Itzkoff (@ditzkoff) November 6, 2014
"The Force Awakens"? It could've been worse, Star Wars fans: it could've been "The Force: Conscious Coupling"
— Adam Proteau (@Proteautype) November 6, 2014
THE FORCE AWAKENS is like the “Kevin” of Star Wars titles.
— david ehrlich (@davidehrlich) November 6, 2014
♫ The best part of awakens up is The Force in your cup ♫
— Mike Ryan (@mikeryan) November 6, 2014
All fun jokes aside, the Star Wars title is *fine,* it's just very much of this movie era: "Darkness, Rise, Rises, Awakens, Dawn."
— Mike Ryan (@mikeryan) November 6, 2014
The force awakens at the dawn of justice.
— kateyrich (@kateyrich) November 6, 2014
I had my money on STAR WARS INTO DARKNESS.
— Matt Singer (@mattsinger) November 6, 2014
New Star Wars title not bad, just feels a little forced.
— Logan Hill (@loganhill33) November 6, 2014
Star Wars VII: How Jar-Jar Got His Groove Back
— pourmecoffee (@pourmecoffee) November 6, 2014
Shhhhh. The Force is a very light sleeper.
— kase of the willies (@worstkase) November 6, 2014
People are upset about a newly announced Star Wars title? Wow, that *never* happens!
— Bilge Ebiri (@BilgeEbiri) November 6, 2014