Back in October, Playz-N-Skillz released their new song and video, "Literally I Can't," featuring Redfoo, Lil Jon and Enertia McFly. It was quickly called "one of the most unabashedly sexist videos in recent memory" (by Time) and "the plot of a re-occurring nightmare about rape culture" (by us). Now, Redfoo, the man you might be most familiar with as the the guy from LMFAO, has responded to criticism of misogyny and general terribleness via Twitter.
He began by defending the song and proceeded to share a series of "facts," including that he feels women are "most powerful people on this planet."
Thanks, Redfoo, but we still literally can't.
He began by defending the song and proceeded to share a series of "facts," including that he feels women are "most powerful people on this planet."
Another example of critics victimizing an artist by purposely misinterpreting his/her work to support a pre-existing agenda. #LiterallyICant
— Redfoo (@RedFoo) November 11, 2014
Blanket ban for @RedFoo on @TheFIXninemsn . Sexist, anti-female bullshit, encouraging men to treat women like objects in 2014. #BANNED
— Amy Nelmes (@amynelmes) November 10, 2014
Fact #1: The word "slut" never appears in the lyrics of #LiterallyICant. @amynelmes @TheFIXninemsn #GetYourFactsStraight #NoGreyArea
— Redfoo (@RedFoo) November 11, 2014
Fact #2: I love & respect women and feel they are the most powerful people on this planet! #LiterallyICant
— Redfoo (@RedFoo) November 11, 2014
Fact #3: @PlaynSkillz @LilJon @EnertiaMcFly & I made a comical party song to satirize the cliche #LiterallyICant. Some get it, some don’t.
— Redfoo (@RedFoo) November 11, 2014
Thanks, Redfoo, but we still literally can't.