The decision followed weeks of protests across the country that called for justice after Brown was killed. Now, many are once again calling for justice and are speaking out about their dissatisfaction with the decision. Below, check out our round-up of reactions from public figures on social media. For up-to-the-minute Ferguson coverage, click here.
A tragic decision to prevent the open airing of the evidence in the killing of an unarmed black youth, shot down by a cop with a gun.
— Michael Eric Dyson (@MichaelEDyson) November 25, 2014
Like I said before: I am not shocked that the grand jury did not indict #DarrenWilson. VERY FEW cops are ever indicted in fatal shootings.
— rolandsmartin (@rolandsmartin) November 25, 2014
Mr. President: Why the hell don't you stand up and tell them that your killing of Black & Brown youth isn't going to hold no more! #Ferguson
— MINISTER FARRAKHAN (@LouisFarrakhan) November 25, 2014
Without saying a word about decision itself, social media reaction to #FergusonDecision PROVES racism exists - STILL #LetPeaceRiseInFerguson
— Montel Williams (@Montel_Williams) November 25, 2014
Funny how the media doesn't show when justice is served like in the cases of Renisha Mcbride and Jordan Davis's killers.
— Charlamagne Tha God (@cthagod) November 25, 2014
P.S. I hope there's no violence because they're just itching to shoot somebody else. Call their bluff. Please. #Ferguson
— Terry McMillan (@MsTerryMcMillan) November 25, 2014
No value for black life. But they extrapolate our magic , sweat, our voice our fire... And leave us stripped of our right to exist
— QTip (@QtipTheAbstract) November 25, 2014
Just leaving yoga and hearing about the verdict of grand jury. Citizens please begin with prayer breathe be thoughtful. And safe
— Russell Simmons (@UncleRUSH) November 25, 2014
I know this hard. I know this is difficult. Do not succumb to the temptations of violence. There is a more powerful way. #FergusonDecision
— John Lewis (@repjohnlewis) November 25, 2014
I feel really bad for the family of Mike Brown. To my brothers & sisters in Ferguson my heart is with you & I will join you soon.
— Talib Kweli Greene (@TalibKweli) November 25, 2014
#BobMcCullochCheckList: Discuss anything but the murder or the physical evidence. Use the fringe to discredit the core. #Ferguson
— jesseWilliams. (@iJesseWilliams) November 25, 2014
Is #McCollough prosecuting the officer who shot an unarmed teen -- or is he prosecuting twitter and cable news? #Ferguson
— Van Jones (@VanJones68) November 25, 2014
Don't really recall "Wilson standing over Brown and firing into back of body" being a dominant narrative.
— Ta-Nehisi Coates (@tanehisicoates) November 25, 2014
Grand jury has decided not to indict Ofc Wilson in the "shooting death" of #MichaelBrown. A terrible tragedy. Tragic. 12 rounds.
— Donna Brazile (@donnabrazile) November 25, 2014
Prosecutor urges everyone to continue peaceful demonstrations. #Ferguson #MikeBrown
— T.J. Holmes (@tjholmes) November 25, 2014
I guess we shouldn't be surprised anymore when stuff like this happens! #JusticeForMikeBrown
— Reggie Bush (@ReggieBush) November 25, 2014
"Is this really justice?" -reporter
"I don't really have an answer to that question." -McCulloch
— Janet Mock (@janetmock) November 25, 2014
This is the most bizarre presentation by a PROSECUTOR I have ever seen. He sound's like Wilson's attorney. #Ferguson
— Zerlina Maxwell (@ZerlinaMaxwell) November 25, 2014
America was just hit at her knees and it will not be easy to get back up. #JusticeForMikeBrown
— Michael Skolnik (@MichaelSkolnik) November 25, 2014
The ONLY thing I'm gonna say about Ferguson... Until WE value our lives, no one else will - Tony Rock
— Tony Rock (@TONYROCK) November 25, 2014
While I was at the #InternationalEmmys that unsurprising and unjust decision in Ferguson happened.…
— Laverne Cox (@Lavernecox) November 25, 2014
No need for the gas, we already had tears
— Nick Cannon (@NickCannon) November 25, 2014
#FergusonDecision...I just found about the verdict...I feel sick to my stomach...I'm angry & confused...I feel betrayed....America is lost
— (@iamwill) November 25, 2014